Tuesday, 22.10.2024 NAME DAY: Haliszki, Lody, Przybysława PL EN |
The editorial staff accepts only papers prepared in accordance with the following recommendations and reserves the right to send back the works that do not meet the requirements for corrections before submission for review. 
Articles should be submitted to the editorial office by email or on a data storage medium, and necessarily also in the form of a printout.
The individual components of the article should be submitted as separate, clearly labelled files.
Text formatting rules:
- format: *.doc, *.odt or *.rtf
- Times New Roman 12 font
- distance 2.0
- the margins of the page: 2.5 cm (upper, lower, right and left)
- references to the literature - in-text only, according to the format: (Kowalski 1989:42)
- no or brief footnotes
- when it is necessary to highlight words: italics only
- next to the author's name - affiliation, address, and e-mail  
Preparation of figures:
- raster graphics: resolution min. 600 dpi; format *.tif, *.jpg, *.psd or other (only if agreed with the editors)
- vector graphics: text to curve conversion; format: *.cdr, *.ai, *.dxf or other (only if agreed with the editors)
- list of figures is required
Bibliography - according to the following format:
- articles in journals:
        Klunder H.
1988 Cemetery of the population of the Corded Ware culture from Podgaj 6A. Fontes Archaeologici Posnanienses 36: 45-51.
- articles in collective works:
        Grygiel R., Bogucki P.
1991 A settlement of the Funnel Beaker culture at Nowy Młyn, site 6 (Kuyavia, Poland) - initial results. In: D. Jankowska (ed.), Die Trichterbecherkultur. Neue Forschungen und Hypothesen, vol. II: 133-134. Poznań.
- books:
        Kulczycka-Leciejewiczowa A.
1997 Strachów. Housing estates of Neolithic farmers in Silesia. Wrocław. Bednarczyk J., Kabaciński J., Kośko A. (ed.)
2010 Settlement of Kolska Valley. Archaeological rescue excavations along the A2 motorway (= Via Archaeologica Posnaniensis. Archaeological sources from excavations on the routes of roads and motorways, v. 1). Poznań.